I’m a little behind.
I started a story that got out of hand quickly, and I knew I would never finish it by the end of the week. I have a hard time keeping my short stories short. So, I finally had a new idea, and here it is!
Last week I posted a writing prompt based on a Victorian Christmas Ghost Story that I reviewed.
The prompt was, “With Amelia Blanford Edwards’ “My Brother’s Ghost Story,” in mind, write a story or poem that incorporates music of some kind.”
Below is my story based on the prompt. I would love to read yours as well. Cross-Post or post in the comments.
Transcript of 911 call placed by Sandra Darrels on December 24, 2016
Transcribed by Daphne Hill, Ward County Department of Public Safety
(Call transcript obtained through a Freedom of Information Act Request)
Dispatcher: 911, what’s…
Caller: I’m being followed… He’s following me…
Dispatcher: Okay, Miss. Is there anyone else around? Is there anywhere you can go with a crowd?
Caller: No… the houses around me are all dark. I knocked on one door, but nobody came. That’s when I saw him.
Dispatcher: Okay, just keep moving. My name is Ally. What is your name?
Caller: I’m Sandra…Sandra Darrels.
Dispatcher: Okay, Sandra. Where are you?
Caller: I’m from Indiana, but I am somewhere across the border in Illinois. My friends heard about this Christmas party from some guy at our school.
Dispatcher: Do you know the name of the town?
Caller: No, how stupid am I… How could I not have paid attention?
Dispatcher: Hey, Sandra. It’s okay. Where is your friend now?
Caller: Ditched me for some guy. She gave me the keys to her car, but the thing wouldn’t start. I rushed out of the party because this creepy guy wouldn’t leave me alone, and the car wouldn’t start. Then, I got out and started walking like an idiot. I was thinking that no one would help me there. Tried to call my friend but they didn’t answer. I…
Dispatcher: Sandra, we need to focus here. Is the guy still following you?
Caller: Yes, he is back there a ways. The snow is really coming down. It has been all night. But I can see him. Walking steadily and calmly in my tracks.
Dispatcher: Look around you. Any street signs or markers?
Caller: No! No! There is nothing in this shitty town.
Dispatcher: I understand your frustration, Sandra. This is important. You don’t really see anything?
Caller: Wait? There’s a park up ahead. The sign says, “Ward Park. The City of Carmel Welcomes You.”
Dispatcher: Alright. I have that pulled up on my map. Stay on the line, Sandra. Dispatch to Ward County Police. We have a 911 call coming from near Ward Park. Please respond.
Ward County Police: Go for Ward County.
(Call muted by Dispatcher)
Caller: Hello? He’s still back there. Getting closer. There is nowhere to go. I’m going to move into the park.
(Humming sound from caller’s end of the phone)
Caller: Did you hear that? What was that? Hello?
Dispatcher: Sandra. I’m back. Help is on the way. Ward County police are 10 minutes out. Sandra, are you there?
(Humming comes across the line again.)
Caller: Ally? Did you hear that? Someone is here, in the trees.
Dispatcher: Sandra, Ward Country police are on the way. Where is the man now?
Caller: He’s not behind me anymore. What? Where did he go? I’m in the park near the woods. Someone is humming. Can you hear that?
(The humming is clearer. Caller may be holding the phone out)
Dispatcher: Do you believe it’s the man?
Caller: It sounds like a woman’s voice. It’s that old Christmas song. The rapey one. No, he’s toying with me? Leave me alone! There’s someone in the woods. Just out of sight in the snow. They're sticking to the shadows.
Dispatcher: Run, Sandra. Move away from the woods. Run to the road. The police should be there soon. We should hear their sirens any second.
Caller: No!
Assailant’s Voice: There you are. I thought I’d lost you there for a minute.
Caller: The man is here. He has a knife.
Dispatcher: Sandra. Stay calm. Can you run?
Assailant’s Voice: You’ll never make it. Tell the nice lady you’ll never make it, and then hang up the damn phone.
Dispatcher: Don’t listen to him, Sandra. Run! Get to the road.
Caller: The snow is so deep. My legs are so cold.
(Humming louder)
Assailant’s Voice: Who’s out there?
Caller: He’s looking into the woods.
Dispatcher: Now’s your time. Run!
Assailant’s Voice: You know, that might just be a friend of mine. Her and I had some fun in this very park a few years ago. I buried her back in those trees. Now, she’s back there singing a song to welcome you in.
Caller: There is someone else here. Oh, God! There is a woman. She’s walking up behind him.
Assailant’s Voice: I said, hang up that damn phone and…
Dispatcher: Sandra? Sandra, are you alright?
(Sound of sirens in the distance)
Dispatcher: Sandra, are you there?
Caller: She killed him. She came from behind. She grabbed his hand where he held the knife and pulled it across his throat. Of God! There’s so much blood. Red soaking into the white of the snow.
Dispatcher: Where is the woman now, Sandra?
Caller: Gone. There are no tracks. She’s not here. She just… she just vanished.
(Loud sirens and car doors)
Ward County Police: Miss… Put the knife down! Miss!
Call Disconnected.
Thanks for reading. Let me know what you think in the comments!